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Meet Dayna...

Stylist, educator, speaker, and salon owner Dayna Cakebread graduated from the Horst Educational Center in Minneapolis (now known as The Aveda Institute) in 1992. She went on to join the Aveda Concept Salons, creating their assistant programs and serving as Educational Director.  

With an additional 4 years as an independent contractor, Dayna opened Belle Epoque Salon in 2002, where it quickly became an educational studio, preparing new stylists for the challenges of a hairstyling career.  

In 2005, Dayna upgraded the salon space to provide full service with the 3 To Be Me brand and a large staff. This salon was the first in North America to achieve a Zero Impact Salon recognition from the Davines hair product line of Italy. In 2008, Belle Epoque Salon won the City of Portland award for Best Sustainable Business (small business category).  

Beyond salon life, it became clear that Dayna's talents are best applied by sharing her skills with other stylists; this unique salon concept education can be applied by anyone, anywhere in the world. In 2016, Dayna began working with students at Artecorte Beauty School in Havana, Cuba. As their North American Coordinator, she teaches there and brings supplies three times per year. She fills her calender with her online education programs, public speaking engagements, private clients and travel.

Dayna Cakebread

Become a 3 to Be Me Salon